Helpful Forms, Policies, 和 Guidelines
In addition to these forms, 政策, 和指导方针, the Office of Student Involvement encourages you to also consult the 学生网页 of the Office of Risk Management 和 Insurance.
Student Org H和book
检查 2022-2023 Student Organization H和book for 政策, procedures, 和 tips to keep in mind as you manage your organization.
问题? 担忧?
Contact the Coordinator for Student Organizations & 领导
Harlena Munnings is the Coordinator of Student Programs at the Office of Student Involvement 和 works specifically with student organizations.
Please contact her for any questions or concerns regarding the governing, 功能, or event planning process of your organization. A T-SPACE reservation is required to hang banners in Coates Student Center. Shannon can provide helpful information about both leadership best practices 和 event management.