典型的 大学费用 包括学费, 费用, 生活费用, 书籍及用品, as well as personal 和 transportation costs.
If you have been awarded one of 澳门金沙线上赌博官网’s general academic scholarships, it will be indicated in your acceptance letter.
应用 for Additional Funding
In order to apply for additional financial assistance, 家庭必须尽快提交适当的财政援助申请.让它正式
To officially become an enrolled Tiger, 你必须在你的门户中采取三个行动来保留你在2028届的位置:
❏ Accepting your offer of admission
❏ Submitting your non-refundable $500 enrollment deposit
❏ Completing the New Student Information Form存款期限
Early 12月ision I - February 1
Early 12月ision II - March 15
常规决定- 5月1日虎式起飞登记
从我们的暑期迎新计划开始你的澳门金沙线上赌博官网体验, 老虎起飞, where you’ll be welcomed by faculty, 工作人员, 学生 who are ready to help you be successful. 虎式起飞, you will get a glimpse into life as a Tiger with an overnight stay in our residence halls 和 plenty of informative sessions to help you get to know our campus 和 academic resources.
访问 gotu.美国/ tigertakeoff 了解更多信息 和 to view Summer 2024 dates.
Registration will be available in your applicant status portal shortly after you 提交 your deposit.
Submit required forms 和 surveys
Academic Interest Survey - May 15, 2024
Rank your top choices for 第一年的经验 topics. 这项调查将在春末在您的申请人状态门户网站上提供.Housing Application - June 1
Fill out an online survey about lifestyle preferences, such as sleep 和 social habits 和 degree of neatness, that will be used to match you with a compatible roommate. 的 application will be available in the applicant portal.健康要求- 6月1日
Submit the Health Requirements once they are available on the “Health Services” tab of your applicant status portal, upload proof of medical insurance if applicable.Sports Medicine Packet - July 1
Student-athletes must complete a packet of pre-participation 和 sports medicine forms in addition to the health record form. This packet will be emailed to 学生.成绩单- 7月1日
你的 final high school transcript (indicating date of high school graduation) 和 college transcripts (for consideration of dual credit) must be 提交ted to 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 after graduation.New Student Information Form - July 1
Get Acquainted with 学者
澳门金沙线上赌博官网 offers a rigorous yet 灵活的课程 通过广泛的跨学科课程和特殊机会得到加强.
呸!咄! & 学术顾问
的 第一年的经验 (呸!咄!)旨在让你熟悉大学学习的基本知识. It will prepare you to thrive at 澳门金沙线上赌博官网. 的 呸!咄! pairs a discussion-driven seminar with a writing workshop; each half builds on the other reciprocally. 在课程的一部分中提出的想法在另一部分中得到深化和详细. 六学分的课程, 呸!咄! meets each day of the week: twice in seminar, 两次写作工作坊, 还有一次是在名为“共同学习经验”的全体会议上. 所有一年级学生都必须完成一门呸!咄!课程.五月初, 您将收到一份学术兴趣调查,其中包含有关不同财政年度主题的信息, you'll be asked to rank your top five preferences. Although we cannot guarantee your first choice due to variations in course popularity 和 the number of available seats, 我们齐心协力把所有学生安排在他们喜欢的课程上.
圣澳门金沙赌城线上游戏 学术指导办公室 is committed to a holistic 和 developmental advising model focused on your personal 和 academic curiosity, 增长, 和成功. 初夏时节, you will be assigned a discipline-specific professional 学术顾问 who will help you get acclimated to your new campus, review general university requirements, Pathways’ curriculum requirements, preliminary major/minor degree requirements, 课程公告, 还有课程表. 你的 学术顾问 will also teach you how to navigate 澳门金沙线上赌博官网’s automated student system 和 our registration process. 另外, together you will explore course options 和 will build your fall course schedule in preparation for registration later in the summer. 你的 学术顾问 will reach out to you on June 5, 2024.
最终, 你的学术顾问 will work closely with you to facilitate your seamless journey to graduation during your first few semesters at 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 until you declare your major (at which point you will be assigned to a major-specific faculty adviser). 的问题, 请不要犹豫,联系学术指导主任, Lapetra鲍曼, Ph.D., at lbowman@vahnet.net.
Some 学生 may need to take placement exams to ensure they are placed in the appropriate course level at 澳门金沙线上赌博官网. 澳门金沙线上赌博官网提供数学、语言和音乐理论的分班考试.为......准备 placement exams at gotu.美国/ placementexams.
Student 可访问性 Services
Student 可访问性 Services (SAS) is dedicated to guaranteeing that disabled 学生 have equitable access to all aspects of 澳门金沙线上赌博官网’s campus by providing them reasonable accommodations—和 that’s not just for academics. Students should reach out to SAS during the summer so they can help prepare accommodations before they arrive at the University.访问 gotu.美国/ sas for information about accommodations.
Mark your calendars for Move-In Day on Friday, Aug. 2024年2月23日,你们将搬进宿舍,开始作为澳门金沙线上赌博官网虎队成员的新一年! 大批教员, 工作人员, 学生, 校友们称之为“三位一体团队”——帮助你把你的东西从车里搬到房间里. Move-in day marks the beginning of 新老虎定位, 哪个学校有大量的活动可以让你熟悉校园, 为上课做准备, 并有机会参加一些有趣和独特的社会活动.
为入住日做准备 gotu.美国/ movein.
典型的 大学费用 包括学费, 费用, 生活费用, 书籍及用品, as well as personal 和 transportation costs.
应用 for Additional Funding
In order to apply for additional financial assistance, 家庭必须在我们的首选截止日期前提交适当的财政援助申请:12月. 1, 2023 for Spring 2024 transfer 学生
May 1, 2024 for Fall 2024 transfer 学生提交订金
To officially become an enrolled Tiger, 您必须通过在门户中采取三个行动来保留您的位置:
❏ Accepting your offer of admission
❏ Submitting your non-refundable $500 enrollment deposit
❏ Completing the New Student Information Form存款期限
Submit required forms 和 surveys
Housing Application** - 12月ember 6 for Spring entry; July 1 for Fall entry
Those who completed high school in May/June 2022 or 2023 will fill out an online survey about lifestyle preferences, such as sleep 和 social habits 和 degree of neatness, that will be used to match you with a compatible roommate. 申请将在申请人状态门户中提供.**This only applies to entering 学生 who are required to live on campus under 澳门金沙线上赌博官网’s 3-year residency requirement. Students who graduated from high school in May/June 2021 or prior are exempt from the housing requirement.
Health Requirements - Due January 2 for Spring entry; July 15 for Fall entry
Submit the Health Requirements once they are available on the “Health Services” tab of your applicant status portal, upload proof of medical insurance if applicable.Sports Medicine Packet - Due January 2 for Spring entry; July 15 for Fall entry
Student-athletes must complete a packet of pre-participation 和 sports medicine forms in addition to the health record form. This packet will be emailed to 学生.Transcripts - Due January 2 for Spring entry; July 15 for Fall entry
你的 final high school transcript (indicating date of high school graduation) 和 any/all college transcripts must be 提交ted to 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 prior to the start of your entry term.Get Acquainted with 学者
澳门金沙线上赌博官网 offers a rigorous yet 灵活的课程 通过广泛的跨学科课程和特殊机会得到加强.
圣澳门金沙赌城线上游戏 学术指导办公室 is committed to a holistic 和 developmental advising model focused on your personal 和 academic curiosity, 增长, 和成功. 12月初,Lapetra鲍曼博士将与您联系.D., your assigned 学术顾问, who will help you get acclimated to your new campus, review general university requirements, Pathways’ curriculum requirements, preliminary major/minor degree requirements, 课程公告, 还有课程表.She will also teach you how to navigate 澳门金沙线上赌博官网’s automated student system 和 our registration process 和 will discuss what degree requirements may be met with your tentative transfer work (N.B. 课程如何转入澳门金沙线上赌博官网由教务处决定). 仍然, together you will explore course options 和 build your spring course schedule in preparation for registration.
最终, she will work closely with you to facilitate your seamless journey to graduation during your first few semesters at 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 until you declare your major (at which point you will be assigned to a major-specific faculty adviser). If you have any questions, please contact Lapetra鲍曼, Ph.D., Director of 学术顾问, at lbowman@vahnet.net.
Student 可访问性 Services
Student 可访问性 Services (SAS) is dedicated to guaranteeing that disabled 学生 have equitable access to all aspects of 澳门金沙线上赌博官网’s campus by providing them reasonable accommodations—和 that’s not just for academics. Students should reach out to SAS during the summer so they can help prepare accommodations before they arrive at the University.访问 gotu.美国/ sas for information about accommodations.
To officially become an enrolled Tiger, 你必须在你的门户中采取三个行动来保留你在2028届的位置:
❏ Accepting your offer of admission
❏ Submitting your non-refundable $500 enrollment deposit
❏ Completing the International New Student Information Form存款期限
Early 12月ision I - February 1
Early 12月ision II - March 15
常规决定- 5月1日签证信息
1. 激活澳门金沙线上赌博官网邮箱: 10 days after you 提交 your deposit, 您将收到ITS的电子邮件,以激活您的澳门金沙线上赌博官网电子邮件帐户. For any questions, contact ITS via email at ITSupport@vahnet.net or by calling (210) 999-7409.
2. 申请I-20表格: Use your 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 email account to access 和 complete the 初始I-20申请表. 提交批准后,I-20初始表格将被签发并通过电子邮件发送到您的澳门金沙线上赌博官网邮箱.
❏ Transfer 学生 holding a valid F-1 status: Provide F-1 SEVIS转移表 到您当前学校的DSO,以便将SEVIS记录发布给澳门金沙赌城线上游戏
Other Visa/Status Classifications
1. 激活澳门金沙线上赌博官网邮箱: 10 days after you 提交 your deposit, 您将收到ITS的电子邮件,以激活您的澳门金沙线上赌博官网电子邮件帐户. For any questions, contact ITS via email at ITSupport@vahnet.net or by calling (210) 999-7409.
2. Submit Other Visa/Status Information Form: 提供与您当前有效签证信息相关的信息. ISSS可以帮助您提供是否需要F-1签证的信息.
联系 International Student 和 Scholar Services (ISSS) if you have any questions or concerns - isss@vahnet.net.
Attend Pre-Orientation Virtual Meeting
从暑期迎新会前的虚拟会议开始你的澳门金沙线上赌博官网体验, 在哪里你会受到员工和学生的欢迎,他们随时准备帮助你取得成功. 参考 Pre-Orientation Virtual Meeting 注册部分!
Submit Required Forms 和 Surveys
Academic Interest Survey - May 15, 2024
Rank your top choices for First-Year Experience topics. 这项调查将在春末在您的申请人状态门户网站上提供.Housing Application - June 1
Fill out an online survey about lifestyle preferences, such as sleep 和 social habits 和 degree of neatness, that will be used to match you with a compatible roommate. 的 application will be available in the applicant portal.健康要求——7月1日
Submit the Health Requirements once they are available on the “Health Services” tab of your applicant status portal, upload proof of medical insurance if applicable.Sports Medicine Packet - July 1
Student-athletes must complete a packet of pre-participation 和 sports medicine forms in addition to the health record form. This packet will be emailed to 学生.成绩单- 7月1日
你的 final high school transcript (indicating date of high school graduation) 和 college transcripts (for consideration of dual credit) must be 提交ted to 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 after graduation.New Student Information Form - July 1
Get Acquainted with 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 学者
澳门金沙线上赌博官网 offers a rigorous yet 灵活的课程 通过广泛的跨学科课程和特殊机会得到加强.
的 第一年的经验 (呸!咄!)旨在让你熟悉大学学习的基本知识. It will prepare you to thrive at 澳门金沙线上赌博官网. 的 呸!咄! pairs a discussion-driven seminar with a writing workshop; each half builds on the other reciprocally. 在课程的一部分中提出的想法在另一部分中得到深化和详细. 六学分的课程, 呸!咄! meets each day of the week: twice in seminar, 两次写作工作坊, 还有一次是在名为“共同学习经验”的全体会议上. 所有一年级学生都必须完成一门呸!咄!课程.五月初, 您将收到一份学术兴趣调查,其中包含有关不同财政年度主题的信息, you'll be asked to rank your top five preferences. Although we cannot guarantee your first choice due to variations in course popularity 和 the number of available seats, 我们齐心协力把所有学生安排在他们喜欢的课程上.
圣澳门金沙赌城线上游戏 学术指导办公室 is committed to a holistic 和 developmental advising model focused on your personal 和 academic curiosity, 增长, 和成功. 初夏时节, you will be assigned a discipline-specific professional 学术顾问 who will help you get acclimated to your new campus, review general university requirements, Pathways’ curriculum requirements, preliminary major/minor degree requirements, 课程公告, 还有课程表. 你的 学术顾问 will also teach you how to navigate 澳门金沙线上赌博官网’s automated student system 和 our registration process. 另外, together you will explore course options 和 will build your fall course schedule in preparation for registration later in the summer.你的 学术顾问 will reach out to you on June 5, 2024.
最终,你的 学术顾问 will work closely with you to facilitate your seamless journey to graduation during your first few semesters at 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 until you declare your major (at which point you will be assigned to a major-specific faculty adviser). 的问题, 请不要犹豫,联系学术指导主任, Lapetra鲍曼博士.D., at lbowman@vahnet.net.
Some 学生 may need to take placement exams to ensure they are placed in the appropriate course level at 澳门金沙线上赌博官网. 澳门金沙线上赌博官网提供数学、语言和音乐理论的分班考试.访问 安排考试 了解更多信息.
Student 可访问性 Services
Student 可访问性 Services (SAS) is dedicated to guaranteeing that disabled 学生 have equitable access to all aspects of 澳门金沙线上赌博官网’s campus by providing them reasonable accommodations—和 that’s not just for academics. Students should reach out to SAS during the summer so they can help prepare accommodations before they arrive at the University.访问 Student 可访问性 Services for information about accommodations.
在你的日历上标记8月8日星期二的国际学生入住日. 20岁,你将搬进宿舍,开始作为澳门金沙线上赌博官网虎队成员的新一年! I-Team leader会帮您把行李搬到房间. Move-in day marks the beginning of International Student Orientation, which is filled with tons of fun activities to make sure you become familiar with campus 和 immigration regulations related to their visa. This orientation is m和atory for non-U.S. 美国公民可选.S. citizens schooling outside of the United States.
为......准备 入学的一天!
重要的! 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 International Student Orientation (ISO) 是一个 m和atory two-day orientation program that takes place before 新老虎定位 和 is designed to assist new international 学生 (including transfer 和 exchange 学生) with familiarizing themselves with 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 和 immigration regulations related to their visa. This orientation is m和atory for non-U.S. 美国公民可选.S. citizens schooling outside of the United States.
Learn more about the day-to-day happenings on campus. 跟着我们走 Instagram 和 推特,并喜欢我们 脸谱网.
Get a head start mapping out which 俱乐部和组织 你会参与的. 的re’s something for every interest 和 passion.
在Instagram上加我们 和 get a good feel for campus life at 澳门金沙线上赌博官网. 这里有100多个俱乐部和组织,总是有事情发生. 遵循 澳门金沙线上赌博官网招生 招生更新和更多关于澳门金沙线上赌博官网的信息. Plus, connect with fellow admitted Tigers through the 2028届的Instagram页面, 提交 your banner photos 和 bios to be featured!
在脸谱网上喜欢我们 和 stay up-to-date with campus news, see what our current 学生 和 alumni are up to, tune in to live events throughout the year.
# AskATiger
你们有问题. 我们已经有了答案. 询问澳门金沙线上赌博官网的生活. 将您的问题发送至 askatiger@vahnet.net or check out the answers to some previously 提交ted questions.
Empowering 学生 to start strong, 圣澳门金沙赌城线上游戏 three summer transition programs 为即将入学的老虎大一新生在第一学期及以后的学业成功做好准备.
的 天际线学者 Program 是一个n invitation-based opportunity for selected 学生 to move to campus two weeks early, begin their 第一年工作经验(呸!咄!) course, 交朋友, 参加研讨会, 去了解崔妮蒂.
Quantitative Buildup for Incoming Tigers (QBIT)
QBIT 是一个n online program that provides a small cohort of incoming 学生 with the special opportunity to prepare for mathematical work at 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 before arriving on campus.
的 学业成功计划 introduces first-year football 学生 to 澳门金沙线上赌博官网’s support resources 和 helps ease the transition to college life before Football Camp begins.