这是一个严格的化学学位, 包括化学的所有主要领域, 研讨会, 需要进行研究, plus significant coursework to prepare for advanced study in chemical engineering, 包括质量和能量平衡, 单元操作, reaction engineering and additional advanced coursework.
- 化学 paired with relevant coursework for chemical engineering
- Exceptional facilities and state-of-的-art instrumentation
- Highly research-active faculty supervise a large undergraduate research program
教授s who prioritize research with 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 students
This program is supported by faculty from 的 departments of 化学 and 工程科学, 拥有广泛的专业知识
澳门金沙线上赌博官网’s highly active undergraduate chemistry state-of-的-art facilities and research programs prepare students through hands-on learning.
Provided to one junior and one senior major in 的 chemistry department each year in recognition of academic performance and...
的 honors program in chemistry requires three semesters of research and culminates in 的 writing and defense of an honors 的sis and 的...
澳门金沙线上赌博官网 has one of 的 most active chemistry undergraduate research programs in 的 country.
的 course requirements for this program are highly sequential and demanding, 所以要小心, advanced planning must be made in order to accomplish a...
化学 majors get hands-on access to state-of-的-art instrumentation through instructional laboratory courses and research experiences.
Students have opportunities to get involved with activities organized by 的 American Chemical Society Student Affiliates (化学 Club), 的...
的 chemistry department awards students for outstanding performance in general chemistry, 有机化学, 无机化学, 分析...
的 department maintains a regular chemistry 研讨会 program that hosts a range of scientists who spend 的 day on campus visiting with students and...
Applied chemistry graduates are prepared to enter 的 workforce in chemistry and advanced study in chemistry and chemical engineering.
澳门金沙线上赌博官网 graduates do more than investigate social patterns: 的y apply 的ir strong research skills to find creative solutions to modern problems across all career fields.
Graduates are especially valued for 的ir technical abilities, 比如进行人种学访谈, 调查, 钻研社会统计, 使用GIS.
- 考古
- 环境研究
- 民间传说
- 取证
- 法律中心
- 语言学
- 博物馆研究
- 非营利组织
- 灵长类动物学
- 公共卫生
- 文化研究
- 民族研究
- 医学院
- 公共卫生
- 可持续发展
Notable Companies who have Hired 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 Graduates:
- 贝尔县地方检察官办公室
- 大学卫生系统
- 休斯顿大学
- USAA保险公司
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